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Number 28 on the "periodic table" of elements

Tests the presence of ions of nickel to a high degree of accuracy to detect contamination in the body and on a wide range of materials in your environment

Nickel is a naturally occurring metal existing in various mineral forms and may be found throughout the environment including rivers, lakes, oceans, soil, air, drinking water, plants, and animals. Soil and sediment are the primary receptacles for nickel. Nickel has no known biological function, and is of medium toxicity to humans.The organic form of nickel is much more toxic than its inorganic forms. It is highly irritant to the skin, and is toxic to the cardiovascular system, as well as being carcinogenic

Nickel is released into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels, mining and refining operations and incineration of municipal waste. It is also found in soil treated with sewage sludge, and in cigarettes, which contain between 0 and 0.51 micrograms per cigarette. Skin exposure may occur when jewellery which contains nickel is worn. Once in the body, nickel can replace metals in metallo-enzymes and cause disruption of metabolic pathways. The most toxic of nickel compounds is nickel carbonyl, a very volatile liquid at room temperature, which is known to be a lung carcinogen when inhaled.

Generally and unknowingly we ingest a daily average of 170 micrograms of nickel. This may come from the air we breath, the water we drink and the food we eat. Most of the nickel absorbed goes to the kidneys. Nickel consumed are usually disposed off in the feces quickly while those that get into the bloodstream are eliminated through the urine.

Nickel exposure and absorption into the body can come from teh following sources::
  • Atmosphere - nickel in air is attached to small particles. The average concentration of nickel of nickel in the air in US is about 1 - 86 nanograms/m3 (1 ng/m3 is equivalent to 1 billionth of a gram in a cubic metre of air).;
  • Water - the nickel concentration in water from rivers and lakes is very low. It is generally not more than 10 parts in a billion (ppb). The average concentration of nickel in drinking water is around 2 ppb;
  • Soil - soil generall contains about 4 - 80 ppm. unless the soil is near mining activities especially where nickel is extracted. It has been known for nickel concentration in these areas to be as high as 9,000 ppm. Contact from nickel in soil is generally through the skin although children may get it by eating the soil;
  • Food - food naturally high in nickel are chocolate, soy beans, nuts, and oatmeal. It is possible that you can be exposed to nickel through contact with food containers containing nickel;

Eating higher levels of nickel normally found in food has been found to cause lung diseases in dogs. It affects the stomach, bllod, liver, kidneys and the immune system in rats and mice. High levels of nickel consumption have been shown to cause birth defects in rats and mice. The most common adverse health effect of nickel in humans is an allergic reaction. People can become sensitive to nickel when jewelery and other things come into contact with the skin. Workers who accidentally consumed water contaiminated with high levels of nickel (250 ppm) had stomach aches and suffered adverse effects to the blood and kidneys. A child who ate 5,700 milligrams of nickel as crystals of nickel sulfate died of heart failure. .

Toxicity Symptoms
Nickel can affect the stomach, lungs, kidneys and blood of the body. Nickel caused increased red blood cells. The most serious effect of nickel has been cancer of the lungs and nasal sinus. However, these were the result of long exposure to high levels of nickel in industrial work places. High exposure can cause cough, shortness of breath, and fluid in lungs

Toxicity Limits
The average daily absorption of nickel is minimal - no more than 200 microgram. People who are not sensitive to nickel must ingest very large amounts to show adverse health effects. It is therefore more important to ensure that there is no ongoing long term than short term exposure to nickel contamination. Ideally concentration levels of organic and inorganic nickel should be 0.

Toxicity effects
Nickel is the most common metal allergen and has been known to trigger more delayed type T-cell hypersensitive (allergy) reactions than any other. Up to 15% of the population suffers from some form of nickel allergy and women are those most commonly affected. Being allergic to nickel means your nickel toxic symptoms will likely be far more severe than those who are no allergic to nickel. In this case it is important to be aware that eating nickel contaminated foods or beverages or eating with stainless steel cookware or utensils may cause a flare up of dermatitis.

Nickel is a harmful carcinogenic substance and studies by Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) and US Department of Health and Human Services found that all nickel compounds other than metallic nickel are human carcinogens. Researchers at the Dominican University of California have linked nickel exposure to breast cancer. Research put out by the New York University School of Medicine warned that chronic exposure to nickel has been connected with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, neurological deficits, developmental deficits in childhood, lung cancer and high blood pressure.

Nickel also contributes to development of autoimmune disease. This includes external pollutants of nickel as well as metal ions released from dental restorations or from other body implants which can possibly trigger inflammation.

The most comprehensive statement on the wide-reaching dangers of nickel came from scientists at the Environmental Health Research Unit of Al Ameen Medical College referring to nickel as a known haematotoxic, immunotoxic, neurotoxic, genotoxic, reproductive toxic, pulmonary toxic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic and carcinogenic agent.

Health issues resulting from nickel toxicity, may include:
  • apoptosis, or cell death
  • autoimmune disease
  • birth defects
  • breast cancer
  • depression
  • chronic fatigue
  • fibrosis
  • infertility
  • miscarriage
  • nasal cancer
  • nervous system defects
  • pneumonitis
  • renal edema

Source: Wikipedia

Check out nickel levels in your body with our easy to use, home-based, HMT Nickel Test kit

HMT Nickel Test kit

Osumex HM-Chelat is most effective in eliminating heavy metals contamination in the body

The above information is provided for general educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace competent health care advice received from a knowledgeable healthcare professional. You are urged to seek healthcare advice for the treatment of any illness or disease.
Health Canada and the FDA (USA) have not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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